Friday, May 8, 2009

I Did My First Craft Show

Since I had never done a craft show before, we set everything up in our backyard for a sort of a test run. The easels that Ryan built for me work really well and the incredibly cheap canopy that I bought hardly budges even in really strong wind. The only thing that did not get done is the painting of the easels. They are just going to have to do for awhile.

This was the Spring Daze Festival in Thomasville, NC. We used this easel out in front of my booth to try to draw attention. It was photographed for a local newspaper.

This was my booth. The easels worked out really nicely and all of the bright colors drew lots of attention. It rained and I only had a couple of sales but, a lot of compliments. I am going to try a few more before I give up. I am actually doing my next one May 16th. It's the Garibaldifest on Main Street in Belmont, NC.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


This one looks a little weird in the picture, but in person it is so neat. The bug in the center was a broken figurine and he is sitting on top of some roses that were left over from another project. All of the flowers around him are from a pillow that started making when I was a teenager. My mother was trying to teach me needlepoint or crewel I'm not sure which. Either way I was never going to finish the pillow and so I was thrilled to chop it up and use it on this collage. I got my husband to cut the sun out of wood for me and I made the butterflies out of a costume jewelry bracelet that had broken and multi-colored feathers.

This is a figurine that I bought some time ago and she didn't really fit in with the other witches in my collection. I like her much more now that I have given her a few changes, stuck her on a canvas and surrounded her with talisman from the Black Pullet.